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"My little homeland" regional competition


" Rome was not built in a day"- our people. This means that the love of every person on earth presentation about motherland. That is, any citizen of its history, culture, traditions, to be able deep along. When the Department of education of Akmola region, the regional youth tourism, local history and ecology of the centre of Shchuchinsk 5,6 th of the current month's . In the center of rehabilitation of children "Star". Held a competition named by "My little homeland". In this competition participated 8 districts of the region. The name of our district, our school was represented got the status. 6 participants and 3 managers were chosen.

·        Dina Kassymova 8"b" class, "the symbol of the homeland" I place in nomination.

·       Yandytkina  Karina "the History of my village" in the nomination the second place.

·        Elmira Kasymova "My soul - the soul of nature" the II place in the nomination.

·       Lolita Ausheva "Village of my dreams", II place in the nomination,  Tasbulatova Zhanna, Abdykapar Temirlan the leaders of these students all the students of above Baykonurova B.A.,Miserina N. F., Mukhamedzhanova. G. B. were awarded letters of thanks. Organizers estimated the degree of preparation of students at a very good level. For us it is a great honor.

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